Samstag, 26. April 2014

NOFX beim Groezrock: Punk In Drublic komplett

Wer dieses Jahr zum Groezrock fährt, bekommt das komplette Punk In Drublic-Album von NOFX zu hören - die Band will die gesamte Scheibe spielen. Vom Festival heißt es:
"Question of the day: “What is your favorite NOFX album?” If the answer is “Punk in Drublic”, you can start partying right now, because NOFX is going to celebrate 20 years of “Punk in Drublic” at GROEZROCK.
You got it, these punk rock legends will play the album in its entirety. That’s 17 all-time classics, from “Linoleum” to “The Brews”, from “Lori Meyers” to “Don’t Call Me White”…
If your answer was not “Punk in Drublic”, you’re probably just being a douche. But even then there’s no reason to worry because Fat Mike promised us a lot more all-time crowd-pleasers!"